Haji Ali Dargah: A place of peace, love, respect and unity

Shahazade Akhtar

Haji Ali Dargah in the evneing
Haji Ali Dargah in the evening. PC: Shahazade Akhtar

White dome, beautiful minarets and a huge gate with the blue sky and water in its surroundings, making it a heavenly place. The place does not need any introduction. We all know that it is Haji Ali Dargah, a shrine of a Muslim saint Sayed Peer Haji Ali Shah Bukhari.

After walking around 200 meters on 9-10 feet wide road connecting this beautiful place to the mainland we reach a huge gate. It seems to have opened its arm for each and every one of us. The view of the beautiful dome from this gate is mesmerizing. So many photographers will surround you here, hankering to photograph you with this beautiful background. The interesting thing here is that when they show you some pictures captured by them, it tells you how your picture will turn out. Most of the time they show photos of celebrities that shows their marketing skill as it draws people to get their photo clicked.

As soon as you walked into the main gate you feel something different in you. You experience a different aura there. Your eyes start exploring the place but fix at one place which is the main room where the saint is resting.

Haji Ali Dargah on a cloudy day
Haji Ali Dargah on a cloudy day. PC: Shahazade Akhtar

It has been almost 10 years since I have been in Mumbai. I regularly visit this place. After completing my prayer in the main room where the saint is resting, I try to find a place where I can sit and give some time to myself as this place gives me an opportunity for self-reflection . I always find mental peace and feel rejuvenated whenever I visit this peaceful place.

minraret of haji ali mosque
Minaret of Haji Ali mosque. PC: Shahazade Akhtar

There is a space for Qawwals (the religious singers). The crowd surrounds them to listen to words of praise (for the saints) in beautiful tunes. I have seen people moving their legs and hands in rhythm to the tune. Even people from different countries get attached with the Qawwalis (religious song) and they also swing their body to the tune. The amazing thing here is that the foreigners do not know Hindi or Urdu but magically they relate to the tune.

People from every corner of the country come here to visit and for votive offerings, praying and spending some time. People come here with their friends, family and sometimes alone also. This way they get a chance to spend some quality time with their loved ones which, most of the time, becomes difficult because of our modern and busy lives. People go into the water despite knowing that stones with sharp edges will welcome them. They are not afraid of this and get into the water to enjoy and have fun. It is always good to see people with happy faces. This becomes a special day especially for the children.

India is a country of rich culture and diversity is its uniqueness. I find people from different walks of life visiting this place. I have seen people with turbans on their heads, people with cross pendent around their necks, people with tilak (vermillion mark) on their forehead, people with black skin, people with white skin, men, women, transgender etc. at this place. This place teaches me so many things. Every saint has opened his arms for everyone irrespective of their religion, caste, gender, race etc. They teach us to accept and respect everyone. You would not find the word ‘hate’ when you read their lives. When these great saints have not shown different behaviour to different people then why do we? Why are we disrespecting people on the basis of caste, religion, race, gender, language etc.? Why don’t we learn from the lives of these great saints and spread love?  Let us all take this learning and make this world a beautiful place where each and everyone is accepted and treated with love and respect. The world needs this change. Let us come forward and make this happen. Do not just visit such places; try to learn from the lives of these saints also.

Shahazade Akhtar is a management graduate working in the development sector in Mumbai. He likes to travel, read and watch movies.