

Conversations on everything religion in/and Mumbai.

The blog has five major sections:
Field: As researchers, we spend a good amount of time navigating Mumbai, looking for religion or the lack thereof. This section will contain anecdotes from the field.

Living: Some of us live in Mumbai, encountering the city, its people and its religions in daily life. This section will carry our life stories.

Debates: Concerned about Mumbai? Have an opinion? This is the place to share it.

Reviews: Book reviews, film reviews, TV Show reviews of all things Mumbai etc. Want to review a temple? or festival food? Do it here.

Fiction: Mumbai inspires both poetry and prose. If you are one so inspired, share your work here.

If you would like to contribute, please email us at mumbaireligions@gmail.com


PhD students in the Study of Religions, Anna Charlotta Østerberg and  Sumanya Anand Velamur, began this conversation with a two-fold view:

  1. to popularize their own research
  2. to create a platform where academics and non-academics can engage with each other

Anna Charlotta and Sumanya belong to a larger research project Dwelling and Crossing: The Socio-Cultural Dynamics of Religious Spaces in Mumbai, at the University of Bergen, working on the theme of religion in Mumbai.

We will be happy to include your contributions if you work on or are interested in:

  1. Aspects of religion in Mumbai
  2. Relationship between religion/s and Mumbai

Email us at mumbaireligions@gmail.com




Email us at mumbaireligions@gmail.com